There is to much to even know where to start with a bio about me.
Graduated from Jefferson Highschool in 2004. Ran off and played with airplanes in Tulsa, OK for 2 years. Came home and went Kirkwood for 3 more years to complete my Associates in Computer Support Specialist now I am a Professional Computer Nerd who loves tacos and pizza! I prefer to listen to heavier music or at least music with a decent beat / grunge sound to it.
I don’t know why I decided we needed a website. Guess I’ve been building them for other people, we may as well have one too!
I don’t get into console games. Was playing Eve Online on the PC but couldn’t give it the time it needed. Recently started playing Eve Echoes which is supposed to be a mobile version of Eve but I end up using an emulator on my laptop to play so I have a larger screen.
Between my wife and 3 kids they’ll either have me committed or put in rehab. Check the blog for updates!